Blue Belle: Stunning & Exquisite Sapphire Necklace

Close-up of the Blue Belle of Asia, a 392.52-carat blue sapphire necklace, showcasing its vivid blue color and intricate diamond setting.

Blue Belle of Asia – The most expensive necklace blue sapphire Payment: Lets prepare to be stunned by its extremely captivating beauty on the Blue Belle, which was sold out for 7-8 million memorandum Copyright by SHEEN CORPORATION Co., Ltd. This beautiful jewelry would be a great master piece, to attract the human eye and attention all for what it is worth!

The Blue Belle of Asia — History and Origin

THE STORYThe appeal of The Blue Belle of Asia lies on its remarkable history. The story starts in the mines of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) where the stunning stones of Ceylon sapphire are found. They have been faceted and shaped for perfection, showcasing their natural beauty in all its glory. Case-in-point: this dazzling 392.52 carat sapphire accompanied by a twin sapphire at nearly the same size!

Blue Belle of Asia has its beginning in early 20th century when a famous gem collector came across it. The strong blue-violet hue of this sapphire, a color that was distinct from most other sapphires. The gem collector was immediately able to see, this only in this item but not seen before in any other stone found, that it was of a quality he had never discovered previously… She knew her destiny and source lay as the pinnacle whatever the vision should emerge.

Detail of the Blue Belle of Asia sapphire necklace, emphasizing the unique blue-violet hue and its luxurious diamond embellishments

Features Of Blue Belle Of Asia

Blue Belle of Asia is unique in several respects. The mineral is named for its vivid blue color—which can be an almost cornflower-blue—in the presence of trace elements such as iron and titanium. This lively color, mixed with the bright edge of glass produces a striking look.

Size-Simply put, this is a very large stone- Photo Wikimedia 3) Blue Belle of Asia The Star of Asia sapphire is recorded to be one of the largest sapphires ever found, with its enormous size weighing 392.52 carats. This rarity due to its sheer size makes it an extremely desirable stone for collectors and connoisseurs.

Jewelry Symbolisym — Sapphires

The clergy wore sapphires after their deep blue tone made available a sense of purity and prophecy. These beautiful gemstones have decorated the crowns and jewelry of kings & power queens throughout history, representing power and prestige. Revealing a majestic blue color, the mariatogel Blue Belle of Asia is the reflection of such symbolism, and practically mirrors grandeur and elegance.
Sapphires not only give rise to symbolism but just like many other precious stones and crystals, Sapphires also bring about energy properties. The gemstones are believed to encourage wisdom, help clear thinking and spiritual enlightenment. Sapphires are worn by many as a tool to increase their intuition, and inner voice.

Blue Belle of Asia, the highest priceAccording to a published report in Alarabiya News on June 12, 2014, lot number 4692 was the Blue Belle of Asia and sold for $17 millions.

The world took notice of the Blue Belle of Asia when it was brought to auction. This incredible piece of jewelry brought bidders from all around the world seeking to own it. Bidding was fierce and the final price soared to stratospheric heights, a new world record that would confirm the Blue Belle of Asia as most expensive sapphire necklace in history.
The breathtaking beauty of the Blue Belle of Asia, combined with its sky-high price tag, showed just how much people will pay for rare gemstones. It was a confirmation of the love and admiration people hold for fine jewelry.

Renowned owners and wearers of the Blue Belle of Asia

The Blue Belle of Asia has had some very famous owners and wearers over the years. Everyone from royalty to movie stars have worn this iconic necklace. The Blue Belle of Asia has a history—and a past owner—fit for European Nobility. It was a necklace passed from generation to generation, each owner revering its beauty and meaning. The Blue Belle of Asia was then purchased in fairly recent years by a great collector who wears his testament to good judgment and the world’s most magnificent gemstones on his history.

Historical Blue Belle of Asia sapphire necklace on display, highlighting its size and the craftsmanship of its design

More famous sapphire necklaces

Blue Belle of Asia may bug the most expensive sapphire necklace but it is certainly not the only worth mentioning. A few other well-known sapphire necklaces have also made their mark on the hearts of both jewelry connoisseurs and collectors.

Among them is the Star of India, a stunning sapphire pendant once owned by an American socialite. In addition to the above, this extraordinary piece also contains an extremely rare and perfect sapphire cushion-coloured as blue which is haloed by diamonds from all corners displaying a spectacular view of luxury and elegance.

The Midnight Star is another iconic sapphire pendant with a breathtaking blue sapphire in the middle. Its design and craftsmanship are both amazing as it is has been designed into a magnificent piece of art, demonstrating the exceptional luxury and exquisite sapphire jewelry.

The finest design and crafting of the Blue Belle of Asia

The Blue Belle of Asia is the perfect illustration not only that sapphires can be incredibly beautiful, but also what a high quality piece of architectural design and post-workmanship — standards we hold dear to our hearts every day. The elaborate necklace setting features a row of diamonds, placed below the blue sapphire for more brilliancy and an enchanting look.

Particular care was taken by skilled artisans who worked on the meticulous creation of each and every component that equipped Blue Belle of Asia. The result is a wonderful piece of jewelry, ethnic and modernistic at the same time with it mélange between art and nature.

Sapphire Jewelry Care Guide & How to Clean Sapphire Gemstones

Here tangling, the proper maintenance is necessary to keep sapphire jewelry at its finest. So here are the few tips for you to keep your sapphire necklace as good as new.
Do not put your necklace in contact with harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

Keep your sapphire necklace in a soft fabric pouch or jewelry box.

Wash your necklace periodically with a gentle cruelty-free soap and some warm water. Scrub the surface with a soft brush (using no soap) and then blot dry with a clean towel.
Take it off before exercise or applying lotion and perfume.

Make sure to have your sapphire necklace professionally checked for wear and tear at least once a year so that it can be cleaned properly and you get the services of a quality repair professional.
You will be able to enjoy the beauty of your sapphire necklace for many years by just following these few simple steps.

The Blue Belle of Asia necklace being auctioned, illustrating its value and appeal to collectors worldwide

Conclusion: The lasting charm of the Blue Belle of Asia

More than a piece of jewellery, The Blue Belle of Asia embodies pure and timeless beauty in true master craftsmanship. With great history and brilliant characteristics, to being a record-breaker when sold for the highest price ever at an auction to being bought by some well-loved names in Hollywood – this piece of jewelry does not fail to capture attention. If you like reading this article, please consider reading our article about TikTok.
